“Sunday Morning, New York City” on a Saturday Night!

Our love song to New York City will be released on January 23rd, 2016 at a gig at Burdock in Toronto, which will include performances from some of our favourite musician friends doing choice cover tunes of NYC songs AND a screening of a video of the single, filmed by Kristin and Cameron Briggs and featuring dance sequences from Jen’s daughter Hannah.

2015 included a couple of trips to NYC, where some footage was taken for the video.  Visits to the spectacular High Line inspired the cover art for the song and gig poster, which contains a snippet of Spencer Finch’s stunning installation piece near the Chelsea Market, “The River Flows Both Ways.”

We also recorded the song in 2015, some at Jeremy Darby’s gorgeous Canterbury Music Company, where Simon was able to record his part on the grand piano in the studio.  Most of the other instrumentals were recorded Chez Wolfrey at our home studio – including Jonathan’s sweet viola part.

Hannah’s sequences for the video were filmed in Toronto at Riverdale Park and “For the Love of It” dance studio.

Looking forward to a spectacular night!

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