Fate Line Cover Art!


album cover art

Gorgeous cover art work and logo in from the artistic tag-team of Lauren Schaffer and Caroline Chan! Ever grateful for their efforts and beautiful vision on the project. More to come as we near the manufacturing and release date of November 15th for our debut full-length album.


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Labour Day Homage to the “Fate Line” Workers!

Thinking about our musical labour of love today. Looking forward to a busy season of music and getting out the good word about our debut full length album “Fate Line”.

Recording was finished at Jeremy Darby’s wonderful studio, Canterbury Music Company, a year to the day we walked in to start the project last August.  Lauren Schaffer and Caroline Chan are now busy beavering away on the art work and layout – Noah Mintz is mastering the album for iTunes – we are scoping locations for the band photo shoot next weekend – all with a goal of launching the record officially November 15th at The Jam Factory in Toronto!

But today we rest and give thanks to all the amazing workers who’ve contributed to this project over the past year!

  • Jen's debut on mandolin.

  • The Master

  • Noah Mintz and Mr. Prodootha Simon Law!

  • Backyard Shiners

  • C'est What Summer Gig.

  • Cheers! The end of the recording process!

  • The Shiner Road at Mississippi Station.

  • Jon and Stephan.

  • Bob taming the wild Hammond!

  • Jonny Mak recoding Simon's space echo Rhodes.

  • Sarah Foster on bass clarinet aka the tiger on Hannah Twinnoy!

  • Emm Grynner in studio.

  • The "Audience" Hordes!

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