Vanquishing Winter Gig!

Hard to believe it today, with yet another snow fall and more freezing weather in Toronto (not Montreal!!) but by the time of our gig on March 22nd at The Dora, Spring will be a day old, this long winter will have been vanquished (she says with great authority) and we will be trotting out new pedals, rockin’ covers and original tunes late into Saturday night!  And with all the studio work being done this month, at home and at Jeremy’s, we will be that much closer to completing the “Fate Line” recording project and (gorgeous sounding) album!!  To that end, I have set up a pre-order page on my band camp site, so please check it out and contribute to the musical thaw and flow!

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Fate Line Recording Project

6 days left until the summer gig at C’est What, 26 days until the end of our crowd-funding campaign and the start to our recording session at Canterbury Music! Exciting times for me and the band! We are looking forward to seeing you at the gig and/or hope you can contribute whatever little bit to the making of this album. Here is the link to our indiegogo website! Please pass it on to anybody you think would be interested. I am encountering some (said with the utmost respect) ludites, so please feel free to contact me directly at if indiegogoing isn’t your thing but music patronage is! I’ll be posting a free download of the “Fate Line” demo, for a taste of the title track, so keep an eye out for that. Cheers! Jen

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Upcoming Cameron Gig

After an intimate house concert on Valentine’s Day with Fraser Anderson and Arlene Bishop, we are gearing up for the big gig at The Cameron on April 5th. Lots of new tunes – and I am very excited that Morgan Jones Phillips (once again) has agreed to open the night with his hillarious if not cringe-worthy “Emergency Monologues.”  It will be a beautiful night of original music and severed body-part stories. Hope to see all of you then! BTW – Lego renditions of the band in the gig poster courtesy of my son and Lego master, Manny!

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